Exercise, weight loss, body fat, muscle

  Your Body is a Science       
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  By David C. Simmons III

  These are four components of  fitness.
   1) Strength.
   2) Good Body Composition.
   3) Good Flexibility.
   4) A good Cardio system.

   I believe that Cardio is the most important of them all.   Consider this, your  body is made up of cells. You have brain cells, skin cells, bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, even your organs are made of cells.  There are an estimated 10 trillion cells in the human body. 

 This link says a lot : Body tissues cannot be repaired unless all of the necessary components to power the cells are there. If the cell is lacking in just one nutrient, in addition to being unable to repair itself or create a new cell – it now also has to remove the excess waste created by the unsuccessful biochemical processes.

You need good circulation so that blood can carry nutrients and oxygen to these cells of the body, and, good circulation to carry  waste that cells discard ,like carbon dioxide, away when they use energy. You absolutly benefit from  good circulation in strength training , body composition,  flexibility and especially cardio training.

  Cardiorespiratory fitness, Cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance fitness are used interchangeably. So, I will just use Cardio to refer to them on this page. 
CardioVASCULAR means the circulation of blood. CardioRESPIRATORY means the circulation of oxygen and carbon dioxide from breathing in to breathing out.
Aerobic means "with air". .
   Cardio has to do with the functioning of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. Cardio endurance here, means how long you can maintain cardio activity for prolonged periods of time without fatigue.

 The term "good Cardio health", dosen't just mean good endurance, but also means having a  healthy heart muscle, healthy blood vessels and healthy lungs. 
 Exercising the muscles in your arms  is done with repetitive use of some form of  resistance (like lifting weights).    
 Exercising your heart is done by making it beat faster or making it work harder.
You only live because you breath, and the oxygen you breath gets sent to all of the cells that need it to survive by the cardio systems.  Even after digestion of food, blood carries many of the nutrients from what we eat, to where it needs to go. If any part of the Cardio system fails, it could easily affect the others, and then, other parts of the body and sooner or later our health will suffer. Even our psychological health can improve or suffer around our cardio health. Even the brain is a  part of our body that is made up of cells. These cells even improve with an increased level of cardio exercise. Cerebral Hypoxia is a condition caused by the brain receiving little oxygen. This can happen even though we have a good blood flow to the brain. This can lead to death. As a matter of fact, brain cells can begin to die WITHIN 5 minutes from oxygen deprivation. So here is , lets say, another reason why good cardio is a good idea.  

    No matter what type of training program I come up with for someone, you can believe that cardio will be included.
    There are some who believe that doing to much cardio will cause muscle to be used as energy. 
     Its been scientifically proven that some muscle is broken down during aerobic exercise, BUT, this is normal, as a matter of fact, there is a name for it - "protein turnover". 
      The key here is do we loose an EXSESSIVE amount of muscle during cardio or a normal amount.
Your body is constantly breaking down (catabolic)  and re building (anabolic) muscle tissue. But this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. We even loose muscle while we sleep, but we still sleep. Muscle gets REbuilt.     Not doing cardio because you think you will loose essential muscle is a bad mistake.  It is possible to do up to an hour of cardio a day, 7 days a week without loosing excessive amounts of muscle as long as you are eating correctly. Only excessive cardio and poor nutrition can make you loose significant amounts of muscle. As a matter of fact aerobics can aid in recovery from strength training because it increases blood flow to the muscles, and, increases the size and number of blood vessels at the same time !
    Here is a great link on burning glucose and fat .  

    Here is another great link about the benefits of cardio exercise. It gaves many links about fat burning as well !

    Which cadio machine is the best for you - GREAT link for this question ?

    Which is better, the treadmill or the elliptical ? - This link wants to sell ellipticals, but there opinion is interesting.
     Even though the treadmill emphasizes the lower body, if you swing your arms while using the treadmill, you work the upper body. The elliptical is great because you avoid a lot of the impact that you may absorb on the treadmill (the impact is said to be 2 1/2 times your body weight), but the elliptical dosn't seem to offer the intensity of the treadmill for loosing as many calories.
     The final result of any comparison is your unique body science. It makes sense that because of body type, weight, age, health status or any other personal factor, the machine you will loose more calories on will be the one you use the most, and this will be the one you are most comfortable on. So, its to your advantage to try them all. When trying them, at least do a full 30 minutes, and it is good to try them three or more times so that you can get used to the machine a little before make a good decision. 
    I think if you can switch between two or more of them, either in the same session or on different days, that this is the way to go.

    Note that when you strength train and gain lean muscle, your body still feeds these muscle. Up to 25% or more of the calories in your body can be consumed by these muscles while you sleep. And, if your lucky, your body goes into a calorie deficit.

   Nearly all sports and recreational programs have cardio health as its foundation. Even golf ! 

Cardio Training.

A Body Science - We will help you plan how to do cardio with a strategy.

We will assist you in determining how your body science could use cardio.

We will help you put together some essential components of a basic cardio routine as part of your exercise program(s) :

Warm up and cool down:
  • Why it's important and not just fluff

Plan aspects of cardio activity, including:
  • Mode of exercise - types of cardio that can be effective for you.
  • Frequency - Your daily or weekly cardio schedule
  • Duration - Length of time you should do your cardio
  • Intensity - How intensely you should perform your cardio

How to progress - When and how to increase your cardio:
How to stay safe:
How to combine your cardio with your other exercises:
And More !!

More research on Cardio will be available soon !


Please Email us if you see broken links on this site, thank you !
copyright@2013 My Body Science * Email: david@mybodyscience.com * Phone: 424 558-6406